

We conduct results-oriented workshops, seminars and employee events for our clients in which we use powerful business simulations to make the learning process highly relevant, emotionally engaging, memorable and fun.

Our range of workshops includes:

  • Business transformation and strategy workshops for executives
  • Intercultural training for business leaders and teams
  • Business storytelling for sales specialists
  • Negotiation training for business leaders and sales specialists
  • Sales training and coaching

Executive Leadership Training:

We develop and implement tailor-made programs and interventions for the executive development of individual business leaders or entire leadership teams.

We provide a highly acclaimed Executive Leadership Program and include specialized mental training techniques for enhanced business success.

Sales & Negotiation Training:

The Living Water Institute provides sales & negotiation training courses and seminars world-wide. In these exciting, experiential workshops participants learn directly and very practically how to

  • enhance their negotiation skills and improve their sales performance
  • accelerate and multiply their sales revenue and profitability though effective business storytellig
  • strengthen client relationships and substantially increase their sales success
  • manage tension and conflict creatively

Mental Training: 

In sports psychology mental training is used as a key element to secure success.

In the business world mental training offers the following advantages:

  • increased personal power, resilience and stress-resistance, even in turbulent times
  • better strategy-planning and implementation of pragmatic action steps
  • a significant improvement of business results

Mental training leads to clearer decision-making, better strategy-development and better results.

We utilize the most reliable, tried and proven processes and tools to help people just like you get to where you want to go.

 For further information about our courses, seminars and the respective dates, please contact us at

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