Executive Leadership Training



Everybody seems to be talking about leadership today.

It is becoming evident that a lack of leadership and true leaders is limiting corporate growth and profitability in many countries around the globe.

But often courses focused at improving leadership skills, behaviours and competencies fail to produce the desired effect.

The business leaders we engage with are frequently in the process of transitioning from an operative into a strategic top-executive position. More often than not, we find that the skills, techniques and behaviours that helped them to succeed in the past will get in the way, or even prevent them from succeeding in their new role.

Our Executive Leadership Training enables them to experience a fundamental transformation as they learn to understand:

  • why they behave the way they do, as well as how to effectively redefine their underlying values, beliefs, needs and motives, in order to be successful in their new role
  • who they need to become as leaders
  • and how their relationships, leadership presence and impact need to change 


Our Executive Leadership program  helps companies create leaders for today and tomorrow by assisting in the change of mindsets and behaviours necessary to develop and implement business strategies successfully.

The program is provided on a customized basis in English or German to high-potential leadership candidates of individual companies, tailored to company-specific needs.

Would you like to know more about how your company could benefit from our programs?

Then please feel free to contact us at +41 55 440 85 58 or by mail: info@elegantsuccess.com !


Book your training session now:


Or contact us at info@elegantsuccess.com for assistance